Getting Started

Implementing authentication in apps is crutial but takes extremely long time and efforts to make it work. It could literally take weeks to build authentication mechanism from scratch. To solve this issue there are auth providers available in tech such as

These are really cool and ready to go alternatives if you don't want to spend time on building your own authentication from scratch. With all these options there exist a problem that you don't have a low level control to the auth being Implemented. Clerk do provides some low level addons for such purposes but they're too complex to understand. Also these providers mostly focus on providing effortless social logins with options like github , google , facebook , twitter , etc. All these alternatives sound really cool if you want social logins in your app, but what if you don't want to add social logins ? In such times you can use these providers but then you're stuck with there UI and redirects.

Redshield delivers you the best developer experience while implementing email and password authentication. It doesn't support social logins as of now but it has all the necessary features regarding email and password authentication. Like other providers redshield doesn't force you to use our auth UI. It provides both two options for implementation
  1. Auth with UI (redshield's default auth UI)
  2. Methods only (use your own UI with redshield's methods)

Redshield is specifically built for the next js apps with server actions. It uses an upstash redis instance to store users for faster retrival. Applications other than next js or older versions of next js are not supported as it is completely based on server actions introuduced in next js.

To start with the guide to add authentication make sure you already have redshield account and a project created in your dashboard. If not then simply head towards home page and hit get started. This will redirect you to login and register page , fill up the details and register your account. Now you'll be redirected to your dashboard where you can now create a new project.
Now let's add redshield to your project.